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MAY 2022



In a world where truth has become relative, how do you decide when to believe in someone’s word?  How much proof do you need? That was the challenge for Witnesses to the Resurrection. They were Jesus’ closest followers. How will their story help us in our own belief of Jesus’ words?



1. How did you react to the death of a close friend or relative? (write your feelings/actions in your journal) Can you identify with the women, at the death of Jesus, in v1-5?  (See Luke 8:1-3 for more background.)

2. What do you think they were contemplating & talking about on the way? When they saw the empty tomb, what was going through their minds?

3. In V6-8, the women “then they remembered His (Jesus’) words”, after the Angels explained what had happened.  What had caused the women to forget Jesus’ words? What helped them remember and believe now?

4. In verses 9-11 the women returned to the apostles to share what they had seen and heard. How did they respond? What does the apostles’ response tell us about how the apostles have regarded Jesus’ words?

5. In verse 12, Peter ran to the tomb to see for himself, and he had the option to believe or not to believe in Jesus’ Resurrection.  What could have stopped him from believing in Jesus’ resurrection? Which option did he choose? (Look at Peter’s life after this event)


There are ways we can respond to Jesus’ promises we read in the Bible.  From today’s lesson, we can (a) Forget what he has promised; (b) Disregard & even question them, (c) Find out for ourselves, or (d) Believe and Bear witness.

The Key is - Do you believe that all of Jesus’ promises will actually happen? What blocks you from believing Jesus’ words? And if you DO believe, will you act on them?  Will you be a witness so that others will believe too?

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