19 Moulmein Rise, Singapore
What does “great” mean to you (examples)?
In today’s FAMOUS passage, a heavenly messenger comes to Mary and proclaims she will miraculously bear a Child, and that he will be great. How GREAT will this Child be?
1. From this reading, what are your impressions of Joseph & Mary? Why did Luke add these information to the story?
2. In verse 30, Gabriel tells Mary, “you have found favor with God”? From this narration, what do you understand about having found favor with God? Have you ever experienced God’s grace or favor? How did it feel? How did you respond? (Journal)
3. Jesus will be “great”(verse 32) What are the four things that Jesus will be great for? What do these four things have in common? (They all have to do with kingship or kingdoms: “Son of the Most High,” “give him the throne of . . . David,” “reign over the house of Jacob,” “of this kingdom there will be no end.”)
4. We are not governed by a king today. What does it mean for us then that Jesus is a king, an eternal king, whose kingdom will never end? Where do you think his kingdom is today? How does this shape your relationship with Him?
5. Verse 37 was meant for Mary. What could it mean for you today?
These famous words from God through Gabriel, the Messenger, were difficult for Mary. They were confusing yet pleasing; fearful but also delightful - all wrapped together. In verse 38, one word described her response - FAITH. What does it mean for you to live by faith in the Word? What practical small steps of faith could you take this week, based on God’s Word?
By Faith
What does “great” mean to you (examples)?
In today’s FAMOUS passage, a heavenly messenger comes to Mary and proclaims she will miraculously bear a Child, and that he will be great. How GREAT will this Child be?
1. From this reading, what are your impressions of Joseph & Mary? Why did Luke add these information to the story?
2. In verse 30, Gabriel tells Mary, “you have found favor with God”? From this narration, what do you understand about having found favor with God? Have you ever experienced God’s grace or favor? How did it feel? How did you respond? (Journal)
3. Jesus will be “great”(verse 32) What are the four things that Jesus will be great for? What do these four things have in common? (They all have to do with kingship or kingdoms: “Son of the Most High,” “give him the throne of . . . David,” “reign over the house of Jacob,” “of this kingdom there will be no end.”)
4. We are not governed by a king today. What does it mean for us then that Jesus is a king, an eternal king, whose kingdom will never end? Where do you think his kingdom is today? How does this shape your relationship with Him?
5. Verse 37 was meant for Mary. What could it mean for you today?
These famous words from God through Gabriel, the Messenger, were difficult for Mary. They were confusing yet pleasing; fearful but also delightful - all wrapped together. In verse 38, one word described her response - FAITH. What does it mean for you to live by faith in the Word? What practical small steps of faith could you take this week, based on God’s Word?