19 Moulmein Rise, Singapore
Have you ever thought yourself as confident & sure, and have some come ‘burst your bubble’? That was how Peter’s first encounter with Jesus looked like; amazing lessons we too must learn.
READING Luke 5:1-11
1. As you read the first five verses, put yourself in the scene. Who is there? What sounds do you hear? What do you smell? What are your visual impressions? Why did Jesus get into the boat?
2. In verse 4, Jesus turns from the many to the one, Simon. Imagine you are Simon the professional fisherman. What would your respond to Jesus be? (Hint: Night is often the best time for fishing and shallow areas are the best places.) From verse 5, what feelings and conflicts is Peter expressing?
3. Verse 6-7 tells of the significant catch. Why did Simon reacted as he did in verse 8? What does it tell us about how he sees himself and his perception of Jesus? What does his response say about who Jesus is? What is your perception of yourself in reflection to who Jesus is?
4. ‘I will make you fishers of men’ (Verse 10 KJV). What do you think it meant to Simon Peter? What does it mean for you? When was the last time you caught a ‘fish’ for Jesus?
5. What did it take for Peter and James and John to follow to Jesus and to continue the work He has ask them to do (verse 11)?
What does it really mean to follow Jesus? Is there anything holding you back from truly & absolutely follow Jesus?
Simon’s first encounter with Jesus went from being skeptical of His command, to following His word, then seeing power demonstrated, followed by repentance and a call to devoted eternal service. Summarize your Journey with Jesus in your Journal - and describe the scene as you remember it.
(CLICK) is Musician Steven Curtis Chapman's musical story based on the story of 5 Missionaries answering God's call to a tribal people that ended in their death...that resulted in the salvation of Jesus Christ throughout the tribe and the whole region. Read this story in "Through the Gates of Splendor" by Elizabeth Elliot.